


I'm in Peru now, and it's so different here. Everything. The streets, the houses, the language, the people, the signs, the television... Everything.
I came here yesterday, but probably I will take it more in today. I'm going to take pictures. Probably upload them here too, to show off how different this place is.
I haven't eaten anything yet, I was too tired when I got here yesterday, so I'm pretty hungry. However, I've had an Inca Kola and it tasted fun ;D


formating again

that's why it looks so ugly at the moment, yucketi yuck. but hopefully it will look better soon.


I'm so unbelievably inspired but I have no idea what to write. Help?

White Lies

I have kind of a mixed feeling for these guys. They were so disappointing while supporting Coldplay in Bergen. But still - listen to the music and be filled with awe.


album covers

I admire the people that makes album covers. Think about it. It must be the most representative form of art ever.


yes yes yes

Yes, it could have been better. But still. It was SO close to go extremely wrong. The85/84 almost killed us.
Now the only hope is that Ap will take our stand in the Lofoten/Vesterålen case. I am kind of afraid of what will happen if they decide to drill there. Better not think about it yet. NU-meeting today. They are great people.
So, Jens: Congratulations with the four new years as a prime minister! Now it is time to take a stand!


friendliness and stressedoutness

I am currently writing at school, we have a whole day with social sciences. Pretty strange how different the new school is. So long days :O
Anyway, I had Christer, Sandra and Martin over at my place yesterday. It was really fun - we baked a cake, watched meaningless children's tv and listened to Kaizers Orchestra. Martin is weird - even though he doesn't know what the lyrics mean, he knows all the words. Sandra and Christer were laughing constantly, and Christer were really fascinated about my Tori Amos comic book. Then I tried to impress them with my amazing violin skillz, but Martin stole the show when he started moonwalking. Oh well. They are nice guys. Really.
And after they left, I doodled a girl:

I don't think there's anything specail about it except that I'm happy with it. Good enough.
Then I suddenly remembered that I'm leaving for Oslo today! What a thing to forget! So I downloaded my tickets and started packing like crazy(it was really late). Fortunately, I remembered everything, so when I'm finished today, I'm leaving straight for the airport. And now the break is over, so I've got to go. Bye bye!


the demonstration

Saturday, we met the prime minister.
We served him fish soaked in oil and asked him to take a stand in the Lofoten and Vesterålen case.
He didn't, but I think we made a pretty strong impression. We even managed to push ourselves into the newspaper.
We rule.


from the other side of the door

The ironic thing is that I just discovered his music now.


muslim is not a language

I yelled.
I yelled at a school debate.
I even got applause.

I feel unbelievably cool.