
some Kaizer related things that make life worth living

Some days ago, Anna, Åshild and I went for a walk in the center of Bergen. We drank pink lemonade and talked about life in general, and then we met three girls with nice hats who asked if they could sing for us(the girls, not the hats). When we said yes, they sang Resistansen. They were really good. I wish I knew who they were.

The day after, I was in a really bad mood when I suddenly heard someone turn on Die Polizei in the french classroom. After that, the guy listened to Under Månen before he switched to Bris. I talked a little too him and we ended up reciting old Blod, Snått & Juling-songs. My mood was a little lighter when the teacher came in and told me to go back to my chair.

12th of February, Maria will come to Norway and we will go to a Kaizer concert together. I will wear shoes with Kaizer lyrics painted on. I think it will be great.



We'll save the world

One day, we will be remembered as the gang who saved the world. Do you believe us?


12. februar

I hope I hope I hope I hope I hope!!


I love sheep

I don't think I've ever had so much fun making a picture before. I should do that more.
It got popular too. 6 favorites on dA in only 1 hour. I don't think I've ever had that before. :'D


Home in Norway. I've missed my tablet.


all you atheist yaoi fangirls, please don't hate me

I'm not a Christian person, but I just watched Death Note episode 25, and it got me thinking. The foot massage and all that - isn't it a reference to Jesus? I'm not really good at Bible stories, but I think the story says that Jesus realizes he's going to be betrayed, and he's also washing the diciple's feet? I feel like I'm walking on thin ice now, but still, I have a feeling that ep. 25 has some clearly religious references. Not just yaoi subtext and L hawtness. Am I right?